A dialogue between Bruno Latour’s network and Tim Ingold’s meshwork crossed by experience



This article aims to present a dialogue between Latour's notion of network with Ingold's concept of meshwork. This dialogue is based on the exploration of the challenges that arise in valuing non-humans in the analysis of these authors. To clarify how the link between humans and nonhumans is specifically developed, I introduce the pragmatic notion of experience. In this line, I described the differences between a “flattened body” (Latour) and a “body that experiences” (Ingold), in what is considered an experiential emphasis. Finally, Latour's relocation of the notion of network in his later work is discussed. The article concludes by pointing out that the conceptual development presented should be seen less as a contrast between stabilized theoretical models, than as a reflection in movement linked to experimental forms of research.


Latour, Ingold, meshwork, experience, body, net