
Articles received by April 30 can be published in the first semester, and those received by September 15 can be published in the corresponding second-semester issue.

The presumption of fact as a legal figure in German civil procedure law


  • Carlos Correa Robles Abogado, LL.M. Universidad Libre de Berlin, estudiante de Doctorado, Universidad Libre de Berlin


Considering the general framework of establishing a system of free appraisal of evidence in the Chilean procedure law, two institutions that are intimately related to the object of this work are presented, these are the legal presumption (revocable and irrevocable) and the so called prima facie evidence. Later on, a detailed study of the presumptions of fact is done, analyzing the discussion about its juridical nature, and also an exhibition of the cases where it is applied by the jurisprudence. Objective of this work is to formulate a theory of the presumptions of fact in the procedural law, which is able to overcome the objections made by the specialized literature for its recognition and practical application.


presumption, evidence, appraisal of evidence, burden of proof