
Articles received by April 30 can be published in the first semester, and those received by September 15 can be published in the corresponding second-semester issue.

Negligence per se. Elements for a critical perspective on its legal effects in the Chilean civil law


  • Francisco Bassi Díaz Lawyer, Chile


The article offers a critical perspective of the doctrinal structure that has been attributed to negligence per se as a special imputation factor of the civil liability, through an examination of the plausibility of the reasons given by national authors to argue that its paradigmatic legal effect would lead to presumptions of liability or negligence.

Author Biography

Francisco Bassi Díaz, Lawyer, Chile

Abogado, licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Chile. Estudiante del Magíster en Derecho Privado de la Universidad de Chile y ayudante ad honorem en la misma casa de estudios en las cátedras de DerechoCivil impartidas por la profesora Dra. Fabiola Lathrop Gómez y por el profesor
Dr. Gabriel Hernández Paulsen. Su correo electrónico es fcobassi@ug.uchile.cl.