It describes the problem that arises in the wake of the alleged process of modern law, which presumes that the communication devices (personified individuals or organizations) to which attributes the origin of certain legal decisions have a rational role of supervision of the validity, Regardless of the practical possibilities they have in generating communications legally valid, possibilities that may be affected by many variables, including the knowledge or ignorance that may have parts of the rules that govern the judicial process and the substantive law affected by judicial decisions.
Validity, Invalidity, normative expectations, Legal System, Information
Author Biographies
Alejandro Labranque Zavala, Universidad de Chile
Abogado - Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Antropología y Desarrollo - Universidad de Chile
Investigador programa Pulso - Universidad de Chile
Gabriela Egaña Rodríguez, Universidad de Chile
Licenciada en Antropología Social - Universidad de Chile
Labranque Zavala, A., & Egaña Rodríguez, G. (2008). The Unknowing of law as a condition of its validity. MAD, (18), 97–115. Retrieved from