Sociology of Intervention: Contextual Systemic Steering


  • Aldo Mascareño Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Functional differentiation of modern society entails autonomy and operational closure of social systems. That condition can be compensated by mechanisms of structural coupling between systems which aim to a relatively integrated societal coordination. Nonetheless, neither systemic conflicts, interventions, de-differentiations, nor systemic outcomes that affect the social environment -such as ecological risks or poverty- are unusual events in modern society. This article raises the question about the conditions under which a systemic steering of these problems is possible without exercising an authoritative intervention in social systems. The principle of a contextual systemic intervention as a pragmatic coordination of intransparencies are explained and illustrated. The function of this strategy consists in increasing the contingency of the addressee with communicative offers in the language of the system; its performance aims to deal with the diagnosed problems.


Intervention, contingency, operational closure, cognitive openness, contextual systemic steering

Author Biography

Aldo Mascareño, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Doctor en Sociología, Universidad de Bielefeld (Alemania).


Profesor Escuela de Gobierno, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez