Teatro de Chile: Play, Practices and Roles. Constitution and Life of a Theater Company


  • Camila Moyano Universidad de Lausana


Three traditions in art sociology have provided partial but matching visions of the social logics that contribute to convert art in a social field. First the art as a social system of Luhmann, second the concept of habitus of Bourdieu, and finally the notion of roles of the sociology of the organizations. Based on an empiric work, about the company "Teatro de Chile", this article aims to raise an integrated vision of such theories, in order to study: how the autonomous evolution converges with the different logics that give life to a theatre company. Thus, it is clearly shown that in this company, each level evolves with an autonomous social logic in relation to specific criteria: the production of "good plays". Moreover, in conclusions it presents a common artistic code, which allows the simultaneous evolution of these social logics.


Theater Company, Evolution, Habitus, Embodied practices, Organizational roles


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Referencias en Internet

Teatro de Chile. (2011). Misión Teatro de Chile. Consultado en 17 de Noviembre, 2011, desde http://www.teatrodechile.cl/