Incorporación de los medios de masas y de la cultura popular en la obra de Nicanor Parra: diálogos entre la ‘alta’ y la ‘baja’ cultura a través del lenguaje de la mercancía


  • Luciana M. Truffa Sotomayor Universidad Católica de Chile


Nicanor Parra's work has been widely discussed due to his admittedly contradictory positions regarding politics and the impact produced by the establishment of the neoliberal experiment in Chile. The self-described antipoet, although he maintained a harsh criticism towards the respective economic and political system, simultaneously explored the visual and communicative potentials of the consumer society through its own manifestations; the advertising language and the commodity culture. A year after his death, the following monograph proposes to analyze the ambiguities present in the Parrian visual poetry, as a commitment to hybridization in reaction to the binary conception of culture and society. From this perspective, the subversion of these elements, would have participated not only in the process of destabilization of the Latin American poetic canon, but also in the attempt to reestablish dialogue between two sectors of a highly polarized society.


Nicanor Parra - Poesía visual - commodity culture - cultura popular - neoliberalismo

Author Biography

Luciana M. Truffa Sotomayor, Universidad Católica de Chile

Licenciada en Arquitectura y Magister en Arquitectura.Universidad Católica de Chile