Housing Satisfaction in Residential Developments Operated by Cooperatives and Its Relationship with Mesosystem-Related Variables


  • Emilio Moyano Díaz Universidad de Chile


The residential satisfaction level is stated as regards housing, the residential group and the neighborhood, in areas of middle-low socioeconomic level and cooperatively built houses. A survey -mainly with Licker type items- was applied to 100 family heads. It was selected at random and in a proportional way according the housing type. Such survey allowed us to stablish meaningful association (Chi 2) between residential satisfaction as regards the house and its physical-spatial characteristics such as its size (p<00,Phi53), material quality (p<023. Phi24), Its beauty (p<001, Phi 42) and some social characteristics of the mesosystem such as compatibility and satisfaction with the neighbors (p<005, Phi 38) and security against burglary. Some meaningful associations between housing satisfaction and satisfaction with the group (p<05,Phi 46) are stated as well as other preliminary results in relation to the residential group and the neighborhood.

Author Biography

Emilio Moyano Díaz, Universidad de Chile

Psicólogo, académico de la Escuela de Psicología F.H. Universidad de Santiago. Investigador del Departamento de Urbanismo e Instituto de la Vivienda,F.A.U., Universidad de Chile.