This paper briefly tries to explain that the inclusion of the problems related to housing in the curriculum, is of little use if no radical changes are introduced in the teaching of architecture. Given the conceptual framework where such teaching takes place, it is almost impossible to think of organizing a teachings scheme which deal with housing in due depth. Architects need to change the point of view we have of the problem (as well as other related ones), leaving the classic concepts which the discipline has worked with since the 60'. This paper puts forward, first some of the paradigms on which the present teaching is based, aiming at pointing out where the main troubles for a change lay. Then some of the characteristics of the problem are presented, which should structurally be included in teaching and finally, some propositions and questions are presented.
Author Biography
Raúl Fernández Wagner, Universidad Nacional del Mar del Plata
Arquitecto argentino. Director de Maestría en Hábitat y Vivienda. Profesor universitario en la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Becario del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Conicet. Candidato al Ph.D. en el Architectural Association School of Architectura de Londres.
Fernández Wagner, R. (1996). Contributions to the Teaching of the Housing Issue in the Faculties of Architecture. Revista INVI, 11(27).