The Transformations Undergone by Progressive Housing and Female-Led Households


  • Alicia Díaz Nilo Universidad de Artes y Ciencias Sociales ARCIS


This paper deals, from "gender" point of view, with the Chilean institutional system for social housing. Such a viewpoint is usually held in political speeches but repeatedly avoided by the ones responsible for decision making in the topic of gender. This lack of action derives not so much from the authorities but rather from the whole society which has been unable to overcome such an omission in spite of the possibilities opened by democracy and which should have so far drawn a positive reaction, according to the new concepts structuring the modern society, in this sense then, this paper contributes with ideas to guide solution matching the general expectation present in all areas of society.

Author Biography

Alicia Díaz Nilo, Universidad de Artes y Ciencias Sociales ARCIS

Licenciada en Trabajo Social (1987) en la Universidad de Cuenca de Ecuador y revaluado el Grado en la Universidad de Chile. Actualmente es Jefa del Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario de la Ilustre Municipalidad del Bosque y Profesora de Desarrollo Local en la Carrera de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Artes y Ciencias Sociales (ARCIS) de Santiago, Chile.