Technical-Instrumental Thinking in State-led Political-Administrative Actions: Elements for the Development of a Descriptive Model


  • Alfonso Raposo Moyano Universidad Central


In order to examine the results of the public policy it is essential to understand the aspects dealing with the behavior of the political/administrative activity of the state. The way public administration is actually administrated depends on the historical moment and its specific circumstances in which political rationality is the rule but it is also influenced by the administrative and technical rationality. Attention is here paid to the latter, considering the "normative" aspects underlying the way in which public administration think and act. A descriptive model of the technical and instrumental aspects of rationality is presented. These are characteristic of the modernizing atmosphere in which the political-administrative function of the state is developed. The development of this model is conceived as an exercise of "constructive typology", following the Weberian approach.

Author Biography

Alfonso Raposo Moyano, Universidad Central

Arquitecto. Dip. Planning Studies, Universidad de Edinburgo. Dip. Curso Superior de Vivienda, CINVA, OEA, Bogotá. Estudios de Maestría en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile. Director del Centro de Estudios de la Vivienda, Universidad Central (Campus Almagro). Docente Universidad de Santiago de Chile y Universidad de Chile.