Housing Policies and the Emergence of New Demands: The Case of the Retired and Pensioners Enrolled in the BPS-MVOTMA Program, Uruguay


  • María Noel López Salgado Universidad de la República


The article presents a housing program for new demands the major people in Uruguay, it aims is debate some housing politics problems. It is divided in three parts: one who presents the program; a second one evaluates it, and the third one who concludes and proposes improvements. In 1987, the law puts in force on 15.900, for whom the Bank of Social Forecast discounts pensioners, 1 % of his income, for the construction of housing for passive more poor. With this housings found more than 4.000 housings have been constructed and other 2.000 were projected. The housing program consisted of housings construction from a public licitation, of that the building firms present: a project and an economic offer. Then the Ministry of Housing, Territorial Order and Environment (MVOTMA) selects the most suitable offer bearing technical and economic aspects in mind, at least the users received their house in usufruct. Three typologies have been constructed inside this system: Individual houses, Housings in strip and Height Housings but the satisfaction has not been evaluated yet.

Author Biography

María Noel López Salgado, Universidad de la República

Arquitecta uruguaya. Cursa Magíster en Ciencias Ambientales de la UdelaR- 2005. Estudios de bioclimática, adultos mayores y vivienda social. Docente grado 1 del DECCA, colaboradora docente de la UPV.