The Academic Role of INVI at the Faculty and the University. Teaching, Research, Extension Courses and Provision of Services


  • Ricardo Tapia Zarricueta Universidad de Chile


In the context of the celebration of the 20 years of the Instituto de la Vivienda, (Housing Institute), a presentation and a summary of the role of this academic sector, dependent of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of our university, in the areas which are relevant. Teaching, investigation, extension, and rendering of services, stopping, if necessary, to establish and review if it must be even more accurate the contributions and the quality of it, taking in consideration the Faculty, the University and the national community demands from this type of specialized centers.

Author Biography

Ricardo Tapia Zarricueta, Universidad de Chile

Arquitecto Universidad de Chile. Director del Instituto de la Vivienda. Profesor e Investigador del Instituto de la Vivienda. Representante chileno Red CYTED XIV-G "Hábitat en Riesgo" y ex representante chileno Red CYTED XIV-B "Viviendo y Construyendo". (1996-2001). Ha cursado estudios de Especialización en vivienda Social. Profesor de la Escuela de Trabajo Social Universidad ARCIS. Arquitecto Equipo Urbano de la Corporación JUNDEP (1986-1996).