The housing management materialises itself, takes form, image and identity in a process that ends in the architectural works. Influenced by our discipline to analyse expressions, we sometimes ignore the variables that take part in the decision making process. Measured through its effects, the housing architectural work expresses social and cultural, economic and financial, technological and temporal indicators. The socio-housing process is connected to the contexts where it develops, the strategies chosen for its implementation and the environment where it is inserted. How to analyse complex processes of evaluation and selection of architectural expression instruments?. If construction technology is the means by which architecture is formed and expressed, which is the role of technology as a means of expression?. Is it a synthesis of the cultural, economical, architectural and temporal decision making process?. We will try and make an attempt at determining the importance of each of the factors taking part in its definition, from the point of view of the main actors of the process.
Author Biography
Mariana Gatani, Centro Experimental de Vivienda Económica
Arquitecta. Investigadora CONICET. Miembro del Área de Experimentación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para Vivienda del Centro Experimental de Vivienda Económica (CEVE). Docente Cátedra CONSTRUCCIONES II Facultad de Arquitectura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Integrante de Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para Viviendas. Directora del proyecto PROCESOS DE ADOPCIÓN TECNOLÓGICA PARA VIVIENDAS.
Gatani, M. (2003). A Methodological Analysis of Housing Technology Management. The Views of the State, NGOs and the Private Sector. Revista INVI, 18(48).