The Emergence of a New Building Technology Based on the Use of Recycled Materials and Its Implementation in the Event of Housing Emergencies


  • Rosana Gaggino Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica


A new wall technology alternative for housing is introduced . It was developed by the CEVE (Experimental Centre for Economic Housing) which is a research centre sponsored by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research , Argentina. This technology allows for the quick setting up of a house ( one or two dry days), it is economic and easy to set up which makes it special for a quick solution for homeless families (poor people or victims of natural disasters). The panels are made of durable materials and with good thermic isolation which besides being a solution for emergencies are a definitive and confortable solution for the housing problem. These materials are recycled industrial plastics which replace the stones in a standard concrete mix.

Author Biography

Rosana Gaggino, Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica

Arquitecta y Magister en Diseño Arquitectónico y Urbano. Investigadora de CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas). Trabaja: CEVE (Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica). Area de Investigación: Reciclado de materiales para elaborar elementos constructivos.