The Basic Housing Program in the Metropolitan Region, 1990-1995: A Critical Analysis from a Global Perspective


  • Edwin Haramoto Nishikimoto Universidad de Chile
  • Daniel Jadue J. Universidad de Chile
  • Ricardo Tapia Z. Universidad de Chile


The basic dwelling programme is one of the most important officially implemented programmes in the whole history of the country. Nevertheless, when housing is seen as a more complex process than the distribution of a few square metres to preserve the privacy of human acts sheltered by them, it is possible to attempt a more global and critical focus of the housing problems different from that of the recent past, first at a national level, and principally at a Metropolitan level. For these reasons, it is necessary for analyzing this programme to stablish its relationships with other subjects of fundamental importance, because notwithstanding its contribution and its quantitative achievement, it has not been able to respond to a series of qualitative subjects referred to the improvement of quality of life, a situation that has generated doubts about its sustainability.