The Implementation of Housing Policies Targeted at the Dwellers of Poor Villages during the 1990s: the Case of the Municipality of Guaymallén, Mendoza, Argentina
This paper analyses the state social housing policies aiming at providing a solution for families living in shantytowns. A study of the actions taken during the ’90s is presented, the objective of such actions was to improve the housing conditions for low income social groups, special attention is given to the turning point which the decentralisation of housing politics meant, moving from the national level to the provinces to the municipalities and which took place in Argentina in 1992. From this point on the local government became the direct responsible for the satisfaction of citizen’s demands. On the other hand, the provincial government (through the Instituto Provincial de la Vivienda - Provincial Housing Institute) has started programs which focus on finding a solution for the housing deficit in poor sectors, as the case of the “Municipios y Desarrollo Comunitario” program (Municipality and Community Development) which has a specific plan for families living is shantytowns. The case study is the Municipality of Guaymallén which is part of the Mendoza metropolitan area. In 1991 there were 7 shantytown in its territory where almost 7.000 people lived (3 percent of the municipality’s inhabitants). This paper presents the responses from the state to this people and to what extent their expectatives of having a piece of land of their own with basic services facilities and urbanisation and having a house in good dwelling conditions have been accomplished.
Author Biography
Sonia Roitman, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Socióloga, becaria del CONICET y docente adscrita de la Cátedra de Problemática de la Vivienda, Carrera de Trabajo Social, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, U.N.Cuyo
Roitman, S. (2001). The Implementation of Housing Policies Targeted at the Dwellers of Poor Villages during the 1990s: the Case of the Municipality of Guaymallén, Mendoza, Argentina. Revista INVI, 16(42).