Understanding the Typical Forms of Popular Settlements. Issues and Contribution to the Design of Regulatory Frameworks through Case Studies


  • Graciela Maffrand Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Mónica Martínez Rusconi Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


The way in which informal settlers take and use the land is different from that of other social groups. It presents two complementary situations : a high environmental deterioration and a quality loss in the natural and built landscape which implies a reduction in the quality of life for the inhabitants. Among the causes which produce environmental deterioration are the lack of basic facilities – mainly water and sewer – its effect being high soil and existing water courses pollution , this adds to the density of population which produces an intensive use of the land, services and facilities in a specific urban area. The loss in the landscape quality is related to the inadequacy of what is built, constructions do not follow, either due to ignorance or failure to comply with the proposed models thus leading to forms that diverge from them. The hypothesis developed here does not look into valuing the existing norms on the study areas but it deals with how the reading of the analytical pattern of informal settlements could contribute to the future adjustment, ratification or development of new proposals for the design. Consequently, this paper is concerned with a diagnosis of the analytical pattern of cases in similar areas, located in different contexts and with different situations , the aim is to reach conclusion that would allow us to approach our hypothesis. For the diagnosis, an analytical study of the settling pattern is used in connection with land use –residence- and ways of settling. In each case the type study is done based on the block , the pieces of land that form it and the way the houses use them. The proposition that is being used as “Operative Unit” allows the contact with the community through the use of leaflets, flashcards or organising consulting meetings on specific topics. It is assumed that the design process should not leave aside evaluation and feedback, specially for the state built houses as well as other participants whose contribution is essential to future processes.

Author Biographies

Graciela Maffrand, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Arquitecta. Profesora Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Dedicación Full Time. Investigadora Categoría II. Directora de Proyectos de Investigación y Formación de Becarios. Autora de diversos artículos y publicaciones. Premios internacionales y nacionales por su producción en investigación y extensión.

Mónica Martínez Rusconi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Arquitecta. Magíster en Desarrollo Urbano. Docente Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Becaria de Extensión Universitaria (1995) y CONICOR (1996-1999). Mención premio anual 2001 “Investigación y Teoría”, Colegio de Arquitectos de Córdoba.