Using the urban ecAonomy precepts, most housing needs are covered by the property’ derived services that are part of the historically existing stock and newly built are just small portion of the total market. This way the previously built houses, specially the rental ones, are the ones that concentrate most of the economical transactions volume, either in economical or physical terms. They represent most of the total built market. The research fi ndings allow avowing the rental market contribution to the current housing quality and life in Colombia. It can be said that without this offer, directly generated by the households and social housing form production, the housing stock would be running even shorter than now in relation to the current Colombian housing needs. Colombia also offers an attractive potential development of low income housing building to the urban construction entrepreneurs and real state sector. The stock must grow faster, so this tendency has concrete possibilities to fi ll the existent formal housing offer shortage.
Author Biographies
Jorge Enrique Torres Ramírez, Centro de Estudios de la
Construcción y el Desarrollo Urbano y Regional
Economist. Executive Director of Centro de Estudios de la Construcción y el Desarrollo Urbano y Regional, CENAC.
Elizabeth Pérez Pérez, Centro de Estudios de la
Construcción y el Desarrollo Urbano y Regional
Economist. Masters in Habitat.- Housing Studies Socioecononic researcher of Centro de Estudios de la Construcción y el Desarrollo Urbano y Regional, CENAC.
Torres Ramírez, J. E., & Pérez Pérez, E. (2008). Urban rental market characterization for the low income people segment. Revista INVI, 23(63).