Classification: a tool to include vernacular urban housing in the architectural universe


  • Diana Maldonado Flores Universidad de Buenos Aires


This article is the doctoral thesis summary titled "Modelo para la clasificación arquitectónica a partir de sus componentes básicos" (Architectural classification model based on baste components) (UNAM, 2007), which shows the way architecture is traditionally classified, that is from: models related to other disciplines, historical periods, cultural aspeets, geographic location or specific historical periods, resulting in partial dassifications, related to the style's component, which exeludes great part oj the objects that constitute the architecture universe, especially the ones produced by empirical architeets (rural and urban vernacular architecture). In order to tackle this classification problem, a new model oj classification is proposed based on the jundamental components oj architectonic objects: style,jorm, ornament, structure, junction and space. The classification model was applied to objects from the academic ana vernacular architecture. It was concluded that in both cases, function variable is the predominant one; even in its synthesis, a direct relationship can be established among its basic components. The analyzed objects were described asidefrom the usual adjectives such as cubist, high tech, modera or post-modern with component related characteristics; so they were also portrayed as: stylist, jormalist, ornamental, stnicturalist, functionalist or spatial. Housing is mainly produced within the vernacular architecture. The architectural solutions that emerged from it, allowed the academic scholar and the "other" approach helping each other enrich the commonly proposed solutions. . For this study two houses were chosen and the results demónstrate that the classification may be the starting point for those objects inclusión, usually not considered by most architecture specialist.

Author Biography

Diana Maldonado Flores, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Architect, expert in architectural design, professor in, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) Architecture PhD, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Currently working on a post-doc in Centro de Estudios del Hábitat y la Vivienda (CEHyV), Habitat and Housing Studies Center. School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (FADU). Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).