The transformations experienced by Temuco are not oblivious to the changes undergone by middle cities as a consequence of globalization, speci? cally the evolution of the spatial mobility of its inhabitants. The explosive growth of the vehicle ? eet and changes in the ways of living present a challenge for the urban structure, leading up to the upgrade and deregulation of urban planning systems. The main consequence, especially for Temuco, is a disjointed, un?nished and without any hierarchy road structure, which, along the increase in the (public and private) motorization, have created traf?c jams. In this scenario, analyses, re?ections and proposals are made regarding new forms of mobilization. This paper discusses the use of the bicycle as an option to public transport in Temuco by taking into account the advantages this city offers for this type of transport. To achieve this goal, the development of proper infrastructure is needed so as to ensure not only safe, clear and fast circulation, but also general policies aimed at promoting the use of the bicycle in the city.
Author Biography
Verónica Xaviera Eltit Neumann, Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Architect, MA in Environmental Land Planning, Institute of Habitat Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Autonomous University of Chile
Eltit Neumann, V. X. (2011). Non-motorized urban transport: the potential of bicycle in Temuco. Revista INVI, 26(72), 153–184. Retrieved from