The spatialization of care. Weaving care relations through mobility



Based on research taken place over the course of a decade by a collective group of researchers on the daily mobility practices as well as on care issues, we identified six categories that contribute to the spatialization of care from a relational spaces approach. Through mobile ethnographies of urban dwellers’ daily lives, we were able to understand how care strategies and circulations take place, and their relation with subjects of care, practices, time spaces, places, affects, materialities, and objects that support care in cities like Santiago, Concepción or Temuco. Understanding them from a perspective of relational space helps to visualize the complexity that care implies, and the intertwined implications of space that go beyond domestic space. This paper contributes to the existing work on invisible aspects of care including the spatialization of care and to the discussion on the need to defamiliarize and collectivize care in Chile. This is particularly relevant today, as care became a major issue in Chile and globally due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as it was possible to identify the material reality of care in tangible ways, and also to question the ways we want to care for ourselves and our living space in the future.


COVID-19 crisis, everyday life practices, mobility, reproduction of life, spatialities of care


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