The article presents a comparative analysis between senior cohousing models and neighborhood cooperatives for older adults in the Spanish context, evaluating their viability from economic, architectural, and social perspectives, with the goal of preventing unwanted loneliness among this population. The cohousing model, which brings older adults together in intentional communities with shared spaces, has gained popularity in recent years. However, peripheral locations, high investment costs, and lengthy development periods pose significant challenges. As an alternative, this study proposes a theoretical model of neighborhood cooperatives that allows older adults experiencing loneliness to group together in homes within their neighborhoods while making their other properties available for rent. The analysis results show that neighborhood cooperatives are more economically viable, flexible in implementation, and promote a more inclusive urban environment. However, the development requires greater institutional support. The research concludes that this model is a promising strategy to address aging in place, improve the housing stock, and foster intergenerational integration in Spanish cities.
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