The family in the código moral by Juan Egaña


  • Gino Viale Acosta Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción


The author pretends, trough a pormenorized study of the dispositions about the family contained in the Código Moral by Juan Egaña, to show the detailed juridical regulation that about this matter the already mentioned code has to offers us. Starting with the Illustrated Monarchy and the ius commune, the author gets inside in the thoughts of the fi ne jurist and man of words and, particularly in one of his works, the Código Moral. In this way, he analyzes the many subjects about the family contained in the code, like the institutions of marriage, the patria potestas and the education of the children. With this he demonstrates the consideration of Egaña to recur, as an illustrated man that he was, to the ius commune, the Indian law and the law of Castilla.


Illustration, Moral Code, ius commune, spanish colonial law, castilian law, family, father, mother, children