
Articles received by April 30 can be published in the first semester, and those received by September 15 can be published in the corresponding second-semester issue.

Documental forgery as a crime against the right to truth


  • Luis Emilio Rojas A. Profesor de Derecho penal en la Universidad Alberto Hurtado


The traditional way of addressing the issue of the protection’s aim of the norms concerning documental forgery has been historically conditioned by a legislative technique that mixes up, in the same norm, the protection of authenticity and the truth of the public document. This confusion has favoured the publica fides thesis and, in the twentieth century, has prevented national and spanish doctrine of realizing that the theory of functions, developed by german scholars, is the one invoked to clarify the foundation of the German Criminal Code rule that punishes the basic criminal action of forgery –§ 267 I Strafgesetzbuch. After bringing order in this debate and critically reviewing this theory, it comes up that, on the threshold of the twenty-first century, we are witnessing a real return of the right to truth in the rational justification of the rules concerning document falsification. The current study adopts this theoretical approach according to which the second part of this work sheds light into the structure of the crimes of documental forgery, malicious use of false document. Finally, this clarification provides the grounds for proposing an iter criminis’s delimitation of both kind of crimes according to which they are developed and commited in a continuing process.


Authenticity, truth, document’s forgery, use of false document