
Articles received by April 30 can be published in the first semester, and those received by September 15 can be published in the corresponding second-semester issue.

Bases for a law reform proposal on crimes against public health and related to product liability


  • Fernando Londoño Martínez Universidad Diego Portales


This paper reflects –with adjustments that in each case will be highlighted– the contents of the report and regulation-proposal on crimes against public health and product liability issued by the author on request of the Chilean Criminal Code Drafting Commission (Chilean Justice Department, 2013-2014). The proposal was intended to serve as an input for the Commission’s discussion and drafting process. Substantive aspects of the author’s proposal were adopted by the Commission in its preliminary draft, which afterwards would become the New Criminal Code Bill, submitted to Congress by the Executive on March 10, 2014 (Mensaje, Boletín No. 9274-07). Beyond its potential use for future reforms (a relevant one is precisely ongoing) this paper is of interest as it offers a quick look at the kind of problems and shortcomings posed by §14 on “Crimes against public health” of Book’s Two Title VI of the yet in force Chilean Criminal Code (sections 313a-318), a paragraph briefly discussed among Chilean scholars. The uncertain scope of the false personation of medical staff crime (section 313a); the uncertain criminalization of authentic product liability hypothesis (and infringement of recall and warning duties); the uncertain and limited scope of manufacturing and distribution crimes (on the matter of material objects); and the problematic rule that aggravates criminal liability because of pure results or consequences (section 317), are all problems and shortcomings which, among others, emerge from an examination of §14, as can be appreciated through the author’s explanation of the various regulation proposals.


criminal law reform, crimes against public health, product liability, false personation of medical staff, dangerous substances, poisoning and adulteration of substances intended for human consumption.

Author Biography

Fernando Londoño Martínez, Universidad Diego Portales

Abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Universidad de Chile (2001). Doctor en Derecho por la Università degli Studi di Ferrara (2008). Profesor Asociado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Diego Portales.