During 2003, several reforms were introduced in the Chilean public administration. One of these reforms was the creation of a monetary incentive, named Pay for Performance of Critical Functions (ADFC). This paper presents data from the 2006 Chilean Public Budget to analyze the distribution of funds assigned to pay for this incentive among different public agencies. The authors argue there is not a direct relationship between the number of critical functions (FC) and the amount of incentives paid among different agencies.
Incentives, Pay for Performance, Public Management Modernization, Chile
Author Biography
Miguel Ángel Cornejo Rayo, Instituto de Asuntos Públicos
Cornejo Rayo, M. Ángel, & Cortés, J. (2007). Implementación de la Asignación por Desempeño de Funciones Críticas en el Sector Público Chileno. Estado, Gobierno Y Gestión Pública, 5(10), pp. 125 / 154. https://doi.org/10.5354/0717-8980.2007.14151
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