
Convocatoria V23_N45 (diciembre 2025, I Dossier): Gestión del cambio y Acción Pública: Factores, Actores y contexto de la implementación exitosa de instrumentos de política pública”. Plazo de recepción de manuscritos: 13 de junio de 2025.

Convocatoria V23_N45 (diciembre 2025, II Dossier): Estado, Gobierno y Gestión Pública bajo la presidencia de Gabriel Boric: un balance". Plazo de recepción de manuscritos: 1 de julio de 2025.

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Health Care and the Looming Fiscal Crisis in the United States


  • Michael Wasylenko University of Syracuse


 In this paper, I want to address the large budget gap that will emerge in Medicare and Medicaid in the decades to come.  In subsequent sections of the paper, I will briefly describe the finances of the programs and some of their major features.  I will then explain the projections done by the U.S. Congressional Budget Office and by the U.S. appointed Board of Trustees of Social Security, Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds.  The final sections of the paper will discuss measures that might be taken to close the budget gap which Medicare and Medicaid create in the context of rising health care costs in the United States.