This article discusses the concept of "sociopoietic constructivism" as a strategy of scientific knowledge. The presentation is organized in three sections: the first presents the constructivist epistemology as a self-reflexive mechanism of society; in the central part, in the central part, the fundaments that they characterize to its variant assigned to the program, and finally, some of its projections to the research through the second-order observation.
Epistemology, constructivism, systems theory, sociopoiesis, second-order observation
Author Biography
Marcelo Arnold Cathalifaud, Universidad de Chile
Doctor en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Bielefeld
Decano Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile
Arnold Cathalifaud, M. (2010). Sociopoietic Constructivism. MAD, (23), 1–8. Retrieved from