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Constructivism, ecology, and environmental problems


  • Federico di Pasquo CONICET
  • Carolina Ocampo Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Tomás Busan Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Matias Lamberti Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Esteban Rodríguez Instituto Superior Perito Moreno
  • Nicolás José Lavagnino CONICET


This work aims to perform a first approach to a logic of ecological distinctions. That is, it addresses some aspects that are central to an epistemology of ecology and, at the same time, are crucial to the insertion of this discipline in the environmental problems. To do this, we appeal to the notion of "distinction", through which the thematization of these epistemological aspects is enabled. We propose that, if a logic of distinctions is adopted, the internal functioning of the discipline can be brought to the forefront (e.g., observation criteria, explanation, intersubjectivity). In addition, we suggest that this logic enables the analysis of aspects related to the external functioning of the discipline (e.g., interaction with another knowledge). Likewise, these latter aspects become highly relevant since they have been frequently omitted by the representationalist epistemology that dominates the discipline.


Logic of distinctions, Representacionalism, Epistemology of ecology, Ecological units, Environmental units


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